Rodney D. Nielsen
Research Scientist
Research Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor Adjunct
Boulder Language Technologies
University of Denver
University of Colorado at Boulder
CSCI 5622-002 Machine Learning, Fall 2009

10% Class participation

10% Reading responses (5% questions & responses, 5% link to project)

60% Semester project (10% for each of the following)

  • Semester project proposal
  • Project literature review
  • Experiment 1 and its write-up
  • Improvements: Experiment 2 and its write-up
  • Final paper
  • Presentation

20% Significant constructive feedback on peers' projects

Honor Code

Please include and sign the following honor pledge on every assignment.

“On my honor, as a University of Colorado at Boulder student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work.”

Grade adjustment policy:

If you believe an error has been made in grading an assignment, please write a succinct, but complete, explanation of why you feel the grade should be adjusted, and submit this along with (a copy of) the graded assignment. Keep in mind that your grade might be adjusted down, as well as up. We most likely will not review these requests until the end of the semester and then only if they have the potential to change a final grade. However, if your goal is to come away with a better understanding of the concept in question, please see me during office hours.

Late Policy:

Work is due at the beginning of class on the due date. You have a semester total of 4 days allocated to late submissions, which can be distributed across assignments as you desire, except that none of this time can be used for the final project. Once this time has been used up, the maximum credit for an assignment will be discounted by 20 percent per day.